Monday, May 16, 2011

TenCate investigates possible restart of Osiris Inkjet Systems

TenCate investigates possible restart of Osiris Inkjet SystemsTenCate is investigating the possible restart of Osiris Inkjet Systems B.V. (Hengelo, the Netherlands) following the petition for liquidation filed by this company on Wednesday, 11 May 2011. Over the past ten years Osiris developed the first inkjet printing solution (ISIS) for textiles for the fashion industry at industrial speed (up to 30 metres a minute).

In recent years TenCate, together with Xennia Technology (79% TenCate) and other industrial partners, has been involved in innovation projects, both European and those subsidized by the Province of Overijssel (the Netherlands) in the field of inkjet technology. One of the results is the outcome of the European Digitex project, which was presented in December 2010. TenCate and Xennia presented a demonstrator for continuous inkjet textile finishing.

Sustainable smart textiles
Textile finishing based on inkjet technology will on the one hand bring about significant innovation in the field of sustainability and on the other hand will result in the development of revolutionary products (smart textiles). This technology can be regarded as nano-surface coating of technical textiles.

TenCate Protective Fabrics intends to introduce inkjet technology as a form of finishing on a pilot basis this year. This will over time allow the production of new protective materials for medical applications, defence, emergency services, etc.

Osiris and Xennia / TenCate
Osiris and TenCate developed separately in the past, in view of the fact that applications for textiles for the fashion industry (Osiris) and for technical textiles (TenCate) have different requirements. The knowledge and expertise acquired by Osiris is, however, complementary to that of Xennia and TenCate, and may possibly make a positive contribution to the implementation of the inkjet strategy of TenCate.

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