Monday, December 13, 2010

EURATEX and CEMATEX announce R & D agreement

EURATEX – the European Apparel and Textile Confederation and CEMATEX – the European Textile Machinery Manufacturers Association have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Brussels. The agreement foresees a stronger collaboration of the two European industry bodies in fields such as research, technological development and innovations as well as the promotion of a positive forward-looking image of both industries with European policy makers as well as the general public.

In the presence of representatives of the two sectors, the respective presidents of the two organisations, Dr. Peter Pfneisl, EURATEX and Mr. Steve Combes, CEMATEX highlighted in their speeches the growing importance of research and technological innovation for the European textile, clothing and machinery industries for maintaining a competitive advantage in the global competition, cited several examples of past joint actions between the two industries and outlined concrete plans for future activities.

Closing his speech, Dr. Pfneisl said “I would like to ensure our colleagues from CEMATEX that the European textile and clothing industry will not stop in its relentless efforts to innovate in its products and processes to always remain one step ahead of our global competition. These innovations are unthinkable without the right machines and equipment with the right functionalities and capacities, available at the right time. We don’t see anybody better placed to provide us with these innovation tools than our colleagues from the European textile machinery industry and we look forward to fill this collaboration agreement at European level with a wealth of mutually beneficial activities for many years to come.”

Mr. Combes confirmed CEMATEX’s strong believe in the benefits of cooperation stating that “We are keen to participate in Euratex initiatives such as the European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing.