The VDMA brings together the following sectors of garment and leather technology: sewing and garment machinery, machines for shoe and leather production, laundry and textile cleaning equipment and machines for the processing and finishing of technical textiles. The production volume in year 2008 was 1.005 Million Euro.
China and Turkey as leading markets drop significantly
The German garment and leather technology was affected in 2008 by a global crisis amongst its customers. "For almost two years, the leading markets for the garment and footwear industry, such as China and Turkey, have seen their income drop by 30% or more. Structural problems in the key markets of our customers were then compounded by the global financial crisis", added Ullmer. The managing director of the association, Elgar Straub, added, "All our competitors face the same problems, but we believe that German suppliers will come out of the crisis stronger." He isn't just pinning his faith on Germany's good access to advanced technology but also its market leadership in the area of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products, for which there is increasing demand. But German manufacturers are also benefiting from increasingly stringent environmental legislation, in China for example, which has impacted positively on German manufacturers of laundry and cleaning machines over the last few years.
Germany as the fourth world exporter
Germany defended fourth place in the rankings of the most important supplier countries for garment and leather technology in 2008, with an export volume of Euro 773 million. The industry recorded a drop compared to 2007 of 13.2 per cent (Euro 891 million). The largest export volume in 2008 was achieved with sewing and garment technology (Euro 394 million).
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