The first contract, enabling the implementation in practice of this entirely new technology, has just been signed with the Czech company Kertak Nanotechnology, based in Prague. „This unique equipment will now be used in the Czech Republic, thus confirming its position as leader in the field of the production and use of nanofiber materials” stated Mr. Ladislav Mareš, ELMARCO executive.
The NS 18S1000i inorganic line, manufactured by ELMARCO, produces a variety of inorganic nanofiber materials. Inorganic nanofibers most often find applications in cosmetics, solar cells, lithium-ion batteries, catalytic converters as well as a range of other applications. Ladislav Mareš added that this new type of NanospiderTM line enables the production and utilization of new materials for the production of, for instance, photovoltaic cells, an alternative source of energy, and the enhanced quality of products for the cosmetic industry, for example skin protection creams.
Ladislav Jandácek, Kertak Nanotechnology executive, said „Our company is the first in the world to commence industrial production of inorganic nanofibers such as TiO2 – titanic dioxide or Li4Ti5O2 – lithium titanate. These fibres are used both in the cosmetic industry and in the transformation of solar heat into electrical energy in photovoltaic panels. Other areas in which they are used include the storage of electrical energy, the improvement of catalytic converters, chemical equipment, power solutions in hybrid vehicles and energy sources for state of the art electronic equipment.
“Inorganic nanofibers and their application in end products is a pre-requisite for so called ‘green products’ – products which are sparing on the environment and which use alternative energy sources. The acquisition of this new line strengthens our company on the market, and allows it to develop its own applications for nanofiber materials. We believe that in cooperation with scientific institutions and with ELMARCO we will continue to be a supplier of leading products in the field of nanofibers on an international scale” noted Ladislav Jandácek.
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