The purchase of the machine costing more than Au$ 60,000 is expected to prove beneficial for woolgrowers in the South West, as they can now get their wool tested at Katanning, without a need to drive all the way to Perth.
The machine was in great demand and several buyers were in pursuit of the same following its limited availability. After fall of the wool industry, these machines are now produced only in South Australia and that too in limited quantity.
Like other companies, Westcoast Wools was also in quest for this machine for the past two years, particularly for the reason that now there is only one firm producing the same in the entire eastern region.
Previously too, Westcoast Wools had a wool coring machine at Katanning, but the same is now in need of revamping. For this reason, the company discontinued coring at Katanning, which compelled it to take all wool to Fremantle.
Though the process did not consume more time, it strained the Fremantle warehouse. Now, the company believes that installation of the new machine at Katanning would ease some of these issues and also help in offering reduced cost benefits to farmers.
The new installation is believed to help the Great Southern woolgrowers to save at least Au$ 10 to Au$ 12 per bale in freight charges by trucking wool to Katanning instead of Perth.
For more details please visit : Aussie firm installs wool coring machine at Katanning @ FIbre2fashion
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