A. The Buy back:
The Equity Shareholders in connection with the buyback of up to 11,08,606 fully paid up Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each by the Target Company through a tender offer method at a price of Rs. 2045 per Equity Share for an aggregate amount of Rs. 22671 lacs ("Buy Back Size") in accordance with Section 77A, 77AA & 77B of the Companies Act, 1956 & the Regulations. The number of Shares bought back constitute approximately 9.79% of equity share capital of the Company post Buyback.
The Buy back was effected through the tender offer method.
The Buy back offer was open from February 09, 2011 to February 24, 2011.
B. Details of the Buy back:
The total number of Equity Shares bought back under the Buy Back is 11,02,746 Equity Shares.
The total amount invested in the Buyback is Rs 22551.16 lacs.
The Company has bought back a total of 11,02,746 Equity Shares at a price of Rs. 2045 per Equity Share. The Registrar to the Offer i. e. S.K.D.C. Consultants Ltd, received 35 valid applications for 11,02,746 Equity Shares in response to the Buy Back Offer resulting in the subscription of approximately 99.47%. All the valid applications were considered for acceptance.
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