Obviously, these gains in sales and orders are a physiological consequence of the minimum levels of the previous two-year period. However, it does underscore a general reprise in demand for textile machinery across many geographical areas, materializing during the first part of 2010. The demand for Italian machinery was mostly driven by the world’s major markets, with sales showing double digit growth percentages in China, India and Turkey. Overall, Italian exports obtained positive performances on all primary textile manufacturing markets; Asia and South America representing the driving forces for global demand.
The domestic market also recorded a more dynamic trend compared to the 2008-2009 period. Domestic demand jumped by 27% on previous year, for a turnover of close to one billion Euros. “These preliminary closing data are no doubt encouraging - commented ACIMIT’s President Sandro Salmoiraghi - but a deep sense of uncertainty remains regarding the global scenario.”
Effectively, a study conducted by ACIMIT over the first quarter of 2011 shows that forcasts for orders remain Cautions, drawing a picture that is rather stationary with the respect to the last quarter of 2010, both for the foreign and domestic markets.
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