Groz-Beckert is one of the key exhibitors of ShanghaiTex 2011 which will be held during Jun 14 –17, 2011 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, PR China. It is expected that Groz-Beckert's award-winning product and its latest innovations hit the market right and will become one of the focuses in Shanghaitex 2011.
Groz-Beckert describes that the litespeed needle is synonymous with precision and innovation in the best sense. "For the circular knitting machine, this means up to 20% lower temperature, less energy consumption, reduced oil requirement, minimized oil fogging and enormous carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction," the company said.
Tests found that if all relevant machines worldwide were equipped with litespeed needles, it would result in an annual CO2 reduction of over 457 million tonnes, according to Groz-Beckert.
The company was awarded the KYOCERA Environment Prize in 2010, which is one of the highest-value competitions for environmental protection in Germany stressing innovation, market potential, environmental relief and also transferability to other companies.
"Groz-Beckert is committed to assuming responsibility for conserving resources and preserving an intact environment, for present as well as future generations." Edelgard Keinath, Corporate Services, Public Relations & Advertising, said.
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