These equipments, as heard, will be utilised in transforming Thurso’s hardwood pulp mill in to a plant that produces a key ingredient, which can be used to manufacture rayon, a fibre in vast demand in Asia and around the globe.
Fortress Paper Incorporation from Vancouver has purchased three digesters and other special processing equipments from Stora Enso Oyi Cellulose Incorporation based in Finland. This purchase was made as part of its daring move to convert Thurso mill from pulp used to create paper, which is a falling market, to dissolving pulp, which is used to manufacture rayon, a product in vast demand and bright future.
Chadwick Wasilenkoff, Chairman and CEO of Fortress, is the brain behind this strategic move, as he always hunts for opportunities in ignored or depressed sectors. Explaining is new move; Wasilenkoff said that, there wasn’t enough dissolving pulp in the market, to meet with the increasing demand for rayon.
Rayon is slowly turning in to an alternative for cotton, as it bears similar characteristics, but is more absorbent and breathable. More over, rayon is well-positioned owing to the falling supply of cotton, worldwide, as farmers are shifting to cheaper crops, averred Wasilenkoff.
Read more about Quebec mill ventures in to rising rayon market at Fibre2fashion
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