"Together with the ongoing operational restructuring, the financial restructuring will provide the basis for bringing Oerlikon's business segments back to profitability and support their sustainable long-term development," says Vladimir Kuznetsov, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Hans Ziegler, CEO of Oerlikon Group, comments: "We are returning Oerlikon to a solid and sustainable operational and financial footing which will put us in a position to generate profitable growth again in the future".
"The financial restructuring will significantly strengthen our equity base and reduce Oerlikon's indebtedness to a sustainable level. In addition, it will remove short-term refinancing risk and repayment risk until maturity of the new loan facilities in June 2014. Together with the ongoing operational restructuring, the financial restructuring will lay the foundation for bringing Oerlikon's business back to profitability and support its sustainable long-term development", comments Jürg Fedier, CFO of Oerlikon Group.
The substantial indebtedness resulting from the debt-financed acquisition of Saurer in November 2006 combined with the subsequent unprecedented downturn of the global economy in 2008 and 2009 have had a significant detrimental effect on Oerlikon's financial position. The abrupt and substantial drop in demand for Oerlikon's products and services during the economic downturn has heavily impacted the Group's profitability and has made the current level of debt unsustainable.
The company has now reached agreement with its largest shareholder Renova and the lenders of the CHF 2.5 billion syndicated loan facilities regarding a comprehensive financial restructuring of Oerlikon. Cornerstones of the financial restructuring include:
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