From product development to commissioning, it offers coating lines and laminating lines as lab plants or production plants, for discontinuous and continuous processes, for all sizes from DIN A4 to working widths of 5.400 mm.
It products have wide applications in areas as diverse as textiles, paper, foil, nanotechnologies, film, solar cells, fuel cells, batteries, medical applications, glass single aggregates or turn-key production plants
In an exclusive interview with Fibre2fashion, a spokesperson, Ms Doris Eschenbruecher at Coatema, spoke about their evolution, new technologies at Coatema and on the emerging sub–sector of technical textiles.
We began by asking her, the evolution of Coatema in the last few years, to which she said, “Coatema is happy to see, that the world-wide demand for high-quality production equipment is rising strongly”.
She added by saying, “While the market developed during the 90´s on a cost driven approach, people have learned, that quality more than makes up for the difference in initial investment”.
“We at Coatema are proud, that we have not changed our production rules and are still able to offer highest quality since more than 35 years”, she concluded by saying.
Next we asked her to reveal details about new technologies displayed at Techtextil 2009, to which she replied by saying, “Most important technologies are the flexible and modular layout of our laboratory and pilot plants, like our click & coat systems”.
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