On 25 and 26 May the German section of the International Federation of Knitting Technologists (IFKT) will invite its members to its annual conference and assembly. It will be hosted by KARL MAYER Textilmaschinenfabrik in Obertshausen.
On the first day of the conference the tasks facing the assembled knitting specialists will include electing a committee for the period 2009 to 2012 as well as considering the usual committee and auditors' reports.
The first president, Chris Wilkens, will not stand for a further period in office. The remaining committee members will put themselves up for re-election. To round off the first part of the conference in the modern KARL MAYER there will be a report on the 44th International Congress which was held from 23 to 27 September 2008 in St Petersburg.
The members' conference will be followed immediately by a series of reports with the emphasis on technical textiles. Professor Marcus O. Weber will present a paper from the Niederrhein Technical University on the theme 'Measurement and evaluation of the yarn tension in stitch formation'. Dr Uwe Moehring, from the Thueringen-Vogtland Textile Research Institute, will present the results of his research work.
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