Meanwhile the system is fully established in production and in daily use to serve the weaving mill with drawn-in warps. The wide range of fabric patterns requires several style changes every day for which the DELTA 110 has the perfect capacity.
The DELTA 110 automatic drawing-in machine can be equipped to draw-in either healds with J/Ctype or O-type healds or a combination of both. The warp threads are draw in directly from a warp beam up to 4 m wide in healds, drop wires and the reed in the same operation and at a speed of up to 140 draws per minute. Depending on requirements the machine can be fitted with up to 20 harness frames or up to 16 heald carrier rods respectively, and up to 8 drop wire contact rails.
Drawing-in performance reaches 6 drawn in warps per shift of 8 hours, and naturally multiple shifts per day are possible. Automatic drawing-in has a long tradition in Turkey as this market is permanently asking for higher productivity and increase of automation to keep its competitiveness on the world market. No wonder the population of drawing-in machines DELTA 110 is growing every year – even in its 9th year after introduction.
Stäubli is continuing its efforts in developing innovative products to serve its customers in the textile industry.
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